an example how to use the text parser and a couple of other actors to retrieve bit values out of a decimal value
used to decode a response showing the installed modules of an analog way seamless switcher
the logical calculators are deconstructing (filtering with a & function and bit shifting) the 16bit value into two bytes the text formatter is forming the equivalent ascii codes which are finally processed by the text parser
giving the value directly (through a number to text actor) into the text parser ends in errors as each digit of the value is transformed into the proper ascii character and the relation is lost.
for example
a value of 443 is represented by the hex 01 BB, transformed through the number to text actor gives a hex 34 34 33
Using a text parser / formatter combination to let multiple values flow through one wire. Extreme useful if you need to connect actors in multiple macro patches.
As the Actors having an intelligent way to save cpu cycles they don’t send or parse the same text string ones done. So if you need to send the same values again through the wire , you should add a port and use a changing value as a refresh signal like done here
building a custom isadora patch for tobias wallclown
including a qc composition as a host for kineme’s datatools to build the structure for 1024 polygonmask. The 6 Points are hard coded in the composition as the stage design stays the same. We are using a frame buffer to “hold” the image in the memory ones editing is done, so we could deactivate the qc patch and gain a higher fps.
// LUCY BARKER u 3097464
// Introduction to Digital Design, u 8196, Sem 1, Uni of Canberra 2013, MA Digital Design 103JA
// This code has been adapted from a a project in Mitchell Whitelaws class on Swarm properties.
// Swarm project
// Haiku