Category Archives: Research

prototyping – kapsel

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[vimeo clip_id=93367867 width=400 byline=0 portrait=0 title=0 ]

[vimeo clip_id=93367864 width=400 byline=0 portrait=0 title=0 ]

[vimeo clip_id=93367857 width=400 byline=0 portrait=0 title=0 ]


Amoebe Research

Processing Code from

// LUCY BARKER u 3097464
// Introduction to Digital Design, u 8196, Sem 1, Uni of Canberra 2013, MA Digital Design 103JA
// This code has been adapted from a a project in Mitchell Whitelaws class on Swarm properties.
// Swarm project
// Haiku

Bildschirmfoto 2014-03-18 um 20.57.56