Finally UNIDRAM took place in 2021 and we are very happy to continue our longterm collaboration with superb people and amazing festival with a projection on the walls of Schiffbauergasse/Potsdam
Die Architektur einer Linie
streaming @ uferstudios 31.01.2021
Einführung / Moderation: Elisabeth Nehring
Kamera: Andrea Keitz
Bildschnitt: Anna Pessavento
Typo Utopia -> European Design Award
Sisters of Design –> reddot award
AVK4 supports Sisters of Design @ Kunstiftung Sachsen Anhalt
Opening 16.11.2019 16h
Architektur einer Linie
Happy to be part of this production with our longterm relationship company Riki von Falken
Streamingmitschnitt von den Uferstudios Februar 2020:
Loopstation on Teufelsberg 25.05. 17h- 20h
Henn Millers Music Van – Buskunst mit Videoinstallation
14.12. ab 19h Fabrik Potsdam @ Weihnachts(g)arten
25 Jahre Unidram
Part of the Festival we are presenting images and texts from the theatre festival in potsdam. Congrats and good luck for the upcoming 25 years!!