Part of the Festival we are presenting images and texts from the theatre festival in potsdam. Congrats and good luck for the upcoming 25 years!!
Category Archives: Mapping
impressions from the JazzLab session
Loopstation Workshop
Loopstation meets Sharpa
Live VJ Set to the music of Sharpa @ Bar Babette (11.01. 20h) und @ Made in Potsdam (12.01. 22h)
Kapsel @ Gasometer
We are happy to announce that Kapsel is shown at Schiffbauergasse Potsdam at the Gasometer on November 3rd- 5th within Potsdamer Lichterspektakel 2017 (7pm-10pm).
Loopstation Live at Potsdamer Tanztage
IA 2017 at MNAC Bucarest
We are proud to present the collaboration with Vlaicu Golcea and Mihai Pacurar at the Museum of contemporary art in Bucarest supported by the german embassy of rumania
Kapsel @ art kreuzberg
“kapsel” found a new home, the installation is part of artkreuzberg and will be open to the public on the
12. September 14 – 21 Uhr & 13. September 13 – 20 Uhr
kowalski-privat, Grimmstraße 15 A Berlin